Saturday, November 29, 2014

Haiti Lesson #30....There is No Place Like Home

My life will never be the same because of this trip and I want to say thank
you for your prayer, encouragement, and/or financial support. Without
your partnership my mission trip might not have been possible. Thank you
for investing in me for the Kingdom’s sake! I know that God wants me to
be bolder about sharing my faith – not just in Haiti, but right here in Elgin.

May the Lord bless you and your family for blessing and being a part of God’s 
transformation of not only my life, but many of the Haitian people through 
Sonlight Academy. Please don’t stop praying for the Haitian people. Pray that they 
would hear and accept the gospel and pray for growth for those that
have accepted Christ. Pray also that God’s Glory would continue to be made
known among them.

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